Benefits of Swaddling Your Baby
If you’re currently expecting or your little bundle of joy has already arrived. Congratulations!! You’re on a journey of a lifetime, ushering your beautiful child into the world. It's not always easy, especially at the beginning, when the little one isn’t used to being out of the womb just yet. That’s why a baby swaddle wrap will be your best chance at giving your baby the comfort they need as they grow healthy!
Baby swaddling is the act of wrapping your baby up in a snug blanket or sheet that is soft and lightweight. It has been an ancient practice for centuries because of its many amazing benefits!
Baby Swaddling is Soothing for Your Newborn
When you wrap your baby up in a swaddle wrap, it recreates the feeling of warmth and closeness that they felt when you were still carrying them inside your womb. This feeling of familiarity brings with it a comfort that can soothe a baby that is distressed, anxious, with colic, or even crying! To make this feeling even better for your little one, you can recreate that softness too by opting for organic cotton for the material with which your swaddle is made. Take your pick from our organic cotton baby stretchy swaddles here and give your little one back that familiar, comforting feeling of snugness that calms them down.
A Swaddled Baby Sleeps Longer and More Soundly
A young one in a baby swaddle wrap tends to sleep more soundly and for more hours. In the swaddle, the little one is calmer and more soothed, and so they tend to sleep more peacefully! An immediate concern would be what if they feel like moving around in their sleep? To which the answer is simple; a stretchy swaddle is definitely the best kind to use in this situation. It allows the little one to feel snug, while at the same time being able to move a bit if they wanted due to the stretch of the fabric. That's a delicate balance, and it only comes if your baby swaddle wrap is well woven organic cotton. To learn more about the many benefits of organic cotton, click here.
So with this, your baby gets as much sleep as they need for their critical development, and you as the parent can also get enough sleep too!
Swaddling Mimics the Sensation of Touch
Your little one will always feel happiest and most content when they're in your arms, but the truth is that you won't always be able to hold them all the time. A baby swaddle wrap is the next best thing because it imitates the feeling of being held for your little one.
For your precious child, only the best in stretchy swaddles should be your choice. Shop through our collection of organic cotton baby swaddle wraps here, and find yourself a cute design for your little angel. Your baby deserves to get the very best in care, and with this choice from you, they most certainly will!